Florida Schools Measured for Success

The Florida Department of Education today released a numerical ranking of the state’s 3,078 public and charter schools, grouped by elementary, middle, high and combination schools. This ranking coupled with the district rankings, makes it easier for parents and taxpayers to view information about Florida’s education system.

Measuring a school’s ability to boost academic achievement helps ensure that we are providing a high-quality education for our students. Having the data available in an easy-to-use format allows parents, educators, and business and community leaders to view the information and make decisions about how they can be involved in education decisions in their local communities.

For the complete listing of school rankings, visit http://www.fldoe.org/Ranking/Schools/.

2 thoughts on “Florida Schools Measured for Success

  1. In my opinion the rankings if positive are hollow because all teachers do anymore is teach to the FCAT. Ask a follow up question not on the test and you’re likely to get a confused stare. Teachers teach to groups. Students don’t learn individually anymore, especially at the elementary level. Students hardly get the chance to demonstrate what they know, particularily if they’re shy. That sort of approach averages the lot and minimizes individual accountability. Penmenship is rushed through and cursive isn’t even taught anymore. Also math at the elementary level anyway is closer to literature than it is to numbers. Concepts are introduced with politically correct word essays rather than with memorization and repeat practice of numerical facts. I consider myself fortunate to have been educated in another state back at a time when accountability was emphasized, performance was expected, participation was necessary and results were earned. Lacking those attributes, I don’t see how I could have been anything other than pushed through.

  2. I find it appalling that our state’s population is fed such low quality information by persons of power.
    Certainly the tie between SES and static achievement scores comes into play when using a sole FCAT score as an indicator of instructional quality. How misleading to present this to the populace without even a disclaimer,n my opinion. Perhaps the rankings show more about the demographics of the attendees rather than effectiveness of instruction. Why has there never been an F school in a school which served high SES students? The foolish premise of these rankings would require that one neglects other influences which effect static achievement scores and I know of no scientific reason to do that although I can imagine political ones. Given the fallacious Students First thinking behind these rankings, one would infer that only good teachers work in the schools which house many gifted classes while the worst teachers are found in schools where many poor children attend.
    The district rankings were released to start a conversation and yet my email went unanswered. The A+ Plan is titled in amost ironic manner. It has been challenged through its existence. Jeb’s policies were in effect for many years before our Seniors took the NAEP in 2009, scoring below the national average in both Reading and Math. There were only 2 other states of the participating 11 who scored so poorly. I have data which reflects poorly on Jeb’s policies.
    A value added look at these schools would differ dramatically from these rankings. I can supply that. For example, the gifted students in Florida have long been considered successes for thier school via the A+ Plan without having needed to learn a thing. The mismatch of assessment to learner is not an issue to avoid…nor use to political advantage.
    It may be wise to contact me. I have tons of significant data which is of value. I find this the perfect time.
    Posted by a past member of the state’s first Gifted Advisory Committee

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